Marine Results
Printed newsletter
While much of our output goes online in these digital times we still get asked to create printed newsletters. Defining the goals and content, gathering the elements, writing the copy, concepting the graphic design, and arranging good quality print are all elements which result in a slick and professional document. Marine Results commissioned this 8 page A4 newsletter to give to clients at several key international marine industry exhibitions during winter 2022/23. We also produced an online version which we sent to upwards of 2000 contacts around the world.
Read the newsletter
Highfield Boats
LinkedIn campaign
After a six month campaign to grow the reach of Highfield Boats’ profile on LinkedIn we are excited to be celebrating reaching our original goal of 1500 followers in September 2022. We have posted newsworthy stories, worked at engaging new followers and created cost effective advertising campaigns to broaden engagement. Interest in the brand continues to grow and we have plenty more great stories to come. The work continues!
Visit The Highfield Boats Linkedin Page
Walcon Marine
Case Study
Walcon Marine’s floating bridge in Rimini, completed in 2021, is the subject of a Case Study written and produced by ClearLine Communications. Case Studies are valuable reports to present the processes involved in each of our clients’ projects. We can produce Case Studies on a broad range of projects, which can be printed as part of a company’s sales literature offer, or used to enhance the information available on your website.
Walcon Marine
Copywriting and layout for website news
After several years we continue to manage the news page of Walcon Marine in 2022, writing and uploading stories long and short plus images, gathered at bi-monthly meetings (or online meetings) as well as the longer press releases. These are then promoted on Facebook and Twitter to both inform viewers and drive them to the website to find out more.

International Tug & OSV
Feature development and journalism
GLO Marine‘s 45 specialists in naval architecture, design and survey offer a range of engineering services to small and medium shipyards and shipowners. The Romanian-based client was looking to raise awareness of their brand to the offshore sector in northern Europe and commissioned ClearLine to best achieve this. Matt Johnson led the project, identifying Tug & Salvage OSV as a a prime marine publication for the business’s audience. We negotiated the space and developed a theme which we believed would be topical and current. Matt researched and wrote the article from the client’s outline brief, sourced images and presented the project to Tug & Salvage OSV‘s editor, all to an agreed deadline in time for the publication’s July/August 2020 issue. The project is an example of how PR management can save a company thousands of pounds by achieving editorial instead of advertising.

Supporting Clients
During the COVID-19 crisis
Throughout the Covid-19 crisis we worked continuously with our clients to assist them in reassuring their stakeholders that they are being supported during these difficult times. At the most basic level this was writing and posting messages on websites and social media letting them know the levels of operational capability that will be maintained for the lockdowns and providing emergency contact numbers. With one of our clients, however, we were involved in a much more comprehensive operation aimed at its 1000+ workforce scattered around the globe. This had the aim of providing them with reassurance that they have the company’s full support, announcing updates to the safety policies and generally sharing experiences and advice through interviews. Our role was to take the raw text of these near daily messages and fine tune them for the international readership while ensuring they had the right tone of reassurance and confidence about the future. For us, we at least made a contribution towards easing people’s fears and concerns in our own small way.
Find out more on our Facebook page
Boating Business magazine
Editorial contribution/journalism
Our teams worked together over a number of editions to produce editorial feature articles for Boating Business, the leading B2B publication for the leisure marine industry in the UK. Topics included reviews of the Paints and Coatings sector and Interiors sector. We contacted relevant companies for their latest news, product updates and information and wrote concise copy that brings readers up to date with the state of the industry in each sector.
Have a look at Boating Business
Rolex Fastnet Race 2017/2019/2021/2023
Media Centre management and journalism
Marina Johnson of ClearLine continues to be part of the Rolex Fastnet Race’s Race media team for 2023. She has set up the media centre at the Cherbourg, France finish line for the first time in history, ensuring all facilities are in place for this iconic international ocean race. Journalism and web content management includes on the dock interviews and transcriptions, web blog ‘as it happens’ updates. Collation of competitor Whats App reports from the race course, and selection and publication of videos and images. Hosting international media representatives and supplying media information.
Read the 2021 live blog written by Marina Johnson
Our clients’ press releases online
Examples of coverage
ClearLine sends out regular press releases on behalf of our clients to a wide range of marine and other media titles. These go on to be published in daily, weekly and monthly online publications like Yachts and Yachting. Examples include International Safety Products to manufacture hospital equipment, NeilPryde Team Riders announced for 2020, The value of traditional pyrotechnics. In fact Yachts and Yachting online has printed more than 100 of our marine press releases over the past three years. In leading B2B publication Marine Industry News our releases look like these: Ocean Safety appoints Steve Bockett to head of technical sales support and International NDT opens for business.
Read another story from our online coverage
Caribbean Sailing Association
PR & Comms for Annual Conference and Dinghy Regatta
Marina Johnson of ClearLine Communications was selected in 2019 to provide the PR and Communications to the annual conference of the Caribbean Sailing Association which is held in conjunction with Caribbean Dinghy Week. The event is held in Antigua, WI in October. We issued pre-event press releases for both the conference and regatta, and attended the conference to provide ongoing stories on the varied topics to specialist media, and the islands in the region. We worked with the event’s photographer to promote videos and interviews across social media, and ensure that maximum social media spread was achieved via delegates, dinghy competitors, coaches, and local and regional organisations. Articles that Marina wrote include an update on the CSA Rating Rule for the Caribbean’s big boat regatta calender were written and reproduced in the racing media. Have a look at this example in Sail World.
Have a look at one of our CSA press releases
Content Writing, Design and Print
From luxury brochures to simple leaflets
One of many examples of our design and print capabilities is a luxury print specification that we conceived for high end superyacht survey and rigging company Marine Results for a brochure that their potential customers would notice. Two separate but matching brochures are packed with sophisticated graphic designs in this A4 landscape 4-page brochure which was printed on a 400g varnished card.
We discussed the layout with the customer, sourced all the images, dealt with photographers, worked closely with our graphic designer to achieve the right look and feel, wrote the words and made sure it was printed by the best local printer, and delivered to our client on time and within budget.
Download the Marine Results Brochure (PDF)
RYA Southern Region Monthly Newsletter
Research, copywrite, web layout
We produced many newsletters for the Royal Yachting Association during our 12-year contract as PR provider to their Southern Region. One example is “Susie’s Scoop” which we created each month. The newsletter is aimed at clubs and sailing organisations, representing the resources that the RYA has, to provide training, guidance on funding, and forums to help clubs become more active and attract new members. We liaised with the RYA’s Regional Development Officer (in fact named Susie!) to plan the monthly stories, source images, and upload the finished version to the RYA’s website. Have a look at our work.
Have a look at all our Susie’s Scoop newsletters
Superyacht Services Guide
Research and copywrite online feature articles
Marina Johnson researched and wrote several dozen articles for the Superyacht Services Guide, the world’s leading must-have onboard directory for superyacht captains. Examples include an interview with veteran captain Steve Carson, Other memorable articles for SSG include Sustaining the Environment, and superyacht regatta round ups including the 2018 Superyacht Challenge in Antigua. The articles were submitted to SSG’s editor Caroline Blatter, for final layout. We also assisted with image sourcing.
Read the full article
Create website for International NDT
Web concept & design, content writing
We completed a brand new website in 2019 for a brand new company, International NDT Ltd, which was set up to handle the ‘Non Destructive Testing’ arm of the very successful superyacht rigging company Marine Results International. The engineers at International NDT test yacht spars, hulls and other components that carry vast stresses, using sonic, phased array and other high-tech methods to detect hair-like cracks and other failures. We designed the new website from scratch, formulating a layout that would work well for Int-NDT’s customers and was easy to update. We wrote all the copy and sourced the images. Have a look at our work:
The Royal Yacht Squadron Bicentenary Regatta
Complete press operation management
In 2015 the Royal Yacht Squadron, one of the world’s oldest yacht clubs, celebrated its 200th birthday by inviting clubs from all over the world to send some of the world’s largest, fastest and most well known yachts to Cowes to take part in one of the most spectacular events seen in Europe since the America’s Cup Jubilee in 2001. ClearLine Communications was appointed by the RYS to manage the entire press and publicity operation. From setting up the website format to putting out regular news bulletins across all media, our team also managed the media centre and welcomed journalists and photographers from all over the world. Prior to that event we also managed the media for the RYS’s fleet review in June of the same year, which was attended by most of Europe’s royalty, and involved an unforgettable rally and display by yachts, the military, hundreds of onlookers.
Read our full round up article from the event
Sailing Today magazine
Feature article placement example
This four page article in Sailing Today is a great example of how we can work closely with editors to create concepts and develop them into feature articles. We developed one of our ongoing blog stories about a yacht managed by our client Stella Maris Yachting and sent a synopsis to the publication. Our material included transcripts of interviews we carried out with the owners before they set off on a their Oyster 56 Raya and other background information. Sam Fortescue of Sailing Today picked up the baton and developed this tin their house style for their December 2015 issue. The exposure that Stella Maris benefited from was further endorsed by the placement of a full page advertisement.
Read our full round up article from the event
Classic Boat Magazine
Feature article on legendary yacht Whooper
Marina Johnson was commissioned by Classic Yacht magazine to write a feature on the race winning classic yacht Whooper. She spent a day on board during Cowes Week in 2015 and interviewed owner and crew members as well as helping to sail the boat. She researched the history, sourced images and submitted the final written article to Classic Boat. Both Marina and Matt are available to write features on a wide range of topics for all marine media publications.
Read the full article
Yachting Partners International charter annual
Concepts, Planning, Journalism and Editorial
Previous highlight: YPI are one of the world’s leading superyacht charter agencies. We were commissioned to oversee the editorial control and content planning of their sumptuous 250 page publication ‘Editions’.
Content had to reflect the high net worth readership and we discussed and suggested a number of topics from which were selected several to be written into written articles, including a guide to top charter destinations, an interview with a superyacht building legend and others. We were also tasked with writing eye-catching descriptions for each of the 56 yachts, amongst the world’s largest.
We liaised closely with YPI’s graphic designer, managed photoshoots and onboard interviews, until the finished article was fully approved and delivered to the client. Our research involved interviews on yachts in the Mediterranean and several trips to the client’s office in Antibes.
Download the main brochure (PDF)
Dubois Naval Architects ‘Inspired’ Magazine
Dubois was possibly the world’s most successful sailing superyacht designer ever, and the company produced an extremely superior quality annual review publication in an oversized format with embossed design. On several occasions the late Ed Dubois asked ClearLine’s Marina Johnson to produce articles for this magazine, based on her yachting journalism experience. Using interview content that she sourced from the from the owners and captains she produced 1500 word articles which are transformed, with the use of stunning photography into works of art. Our features articles on Dubois designed luxury superyachts, including the 121ft (36.9m) Geneveive and the 170ft (51.8m) Prana. Read the full article on Genevieve here and on Prana here.
Download the Genevieve article (PDF)
Damen Shipyards Group annual flagship magazine
Editorial, Journalism, Project Management
As part of the editorial team for this annual, prestige coffee table-style publication we work with senior staff from across the Damen group as well as with its clients to create content-rich feature articles. These showcase both the products of the Damen Group and the diverse capabilities and achievements of its clients. Our role includes conducting interviews with the relevant, Director-level individuals and writing articles of 1,000 to 1,500 words each. Damen Shipyards Group operates 32 shipbuilding and repair yards worldwide, employing 9,000 people. Its annual turnover is around €2 billion.
Download extracts from the magazine (PDF)
Marine Results
Website and PR support
We have supported Marine Results, which looks after the rigs on the biggest boats in the world, since it was founded several decades ago with all of its external communications. As an example of our major project work the company wanted a website where every element could be changed or replaced, including text and images. We designed a fully content managed site, including a page outlining all projects undertaken, and a dynamic news section, which also features videos of the projects. Marine Results is also very active on social media, with a good number of followers and uses Facebook to link back to website stories. We designed and provided all the content for the site from initial concept to final delivery, and we regularly update and refresh the site.
Go to the Marine Results website
Stella Maris Yachting high quality folder and leaflets
Concept, Design, Content Writing and Print
Stella Maris Yachting manages large blue water cruising yachts and classic boats, from maintenance to voyage planning and logistics. The company wanted some marketing literature which could be easily updated without having to reprint the whole thing and we came up with the idea of a stylish folder with staggered inserts so that each insert could highlight one of the company’s services. We produced samples and wrote extensive marketing copy for each page which we designed using bold images. The folder itself was produced in a matt art finish with a clever watermark style image of a yacht hinted at on the outside, and silver embossed writing. The brochure has since been sent out to customers and used at exhibitions and the company’s European and UK offices.
Have a look at Stella Maris Yachting
VBH article in Superyacht Owner magazine
Although we completed this project some five years ago we are still proud of how we supported the superyacht industry’s leading supplier and integrator of onboard audio-visual and IT systems, VBH. By extension ClearLine Communications got to research and publicise the very latest in consumer and entertainment electronics. One feature article that we placed with a leading superyacht magazine talked about the new fashion of creating a ‘party deck’, and was accompanied by some striking artwork. Being aware and taking advantage of scheduled feature opportunities is one of the many roles that we continue to undertake for our clients through 2022/2023. In this case we pitched the idea to the editor, wrote the copy and supplied the images.
Go to the article (PDF)
Akula Yachts
Website Design and Content
As our first venture into the world of superyacht security, we greatly enjoyed researching this fascinating sector. To create the copy for Akula Yachts’ new website we interviewed the directors and analysed a range of materials and reports before writing the text for an international client base. Akula Yachts is part of leading maritime security company Citadel Maritime. We worked closely with the web creation team to clarify the areas needing text and provided consultation and words. It’s a service and skill we still provide going into 2023.

Walcon Marine annual newsletter
Editorial Planning, Content and Design
We create this four page A4 newsletter each December for Walcon Marine, using a template into which we place the company’s leading news stories for the past twelve months. It’s relatively quick and low cost to create, with just a day or two spent on text and image editing, writing some new text and layout into the template. It goes out to all their clients and is available at all their public events. Watch out for our 2022/23 editions!
Go to the Walcon Newsletter (PDF)
Damen Shipyards Group
Editorial Content for Website
Since 2014, and still ongoing in 2022/23 ClearLine has played an important role in the upgrading of the hundreds of pages that make up the Damen Group website and other secondary sites. Our role is to create text in concise, international English that gets across the necessary messages about the group’s capabilities and invites the reader to make contact with the group to find out more. Damen Shipyards Group operates 32 shipbuilding and repair yards worldwide, employing 9,000 people. Its annual turnover is around €2 billion.
go to the Damen Shipyards Group website